Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Matt Nathanson on Tour

Matt Nathanson, one of my favorite musicians is releasing a new CD and going back out on tour. The CD, Some Mad Hope, comes out on August 14. You can pre-order it at Amazon for $9.97 or through the Aware Records Store for $12.99, which includes an autographed copy, sticker, and 3-song acoustic ep. You can listen to some samples on Matt's Myspace page.

As for the tour, he'll be hitting Chicago on October 6 (House of Blues), Austin on October 23 (the Parish), and Dallas on October 24 (House of Blues). Tickets are $12. Hope you can make it, Matt's not only a great musician and singer, but he's quite hilarious, and just a nice guy! So go check him out!

Friday, July 27, 2007

My Christmas List

I know, it's a bit early for Christmas. But with Nintendo Wii holding two awesome new additions until November, it's only fitting that I put them on my list. Heck, maybe I'll put them on my Hanukkah list too!

Wii Fit is a follow-up to the interactive Wii Sports. The "Balance Board" supposedly works your core while you pretend to hula hoop, play soccer, and do yoga. Looks like a great alternative for those days I can't make it to the gym!

I may even be more excited to fire up Super Mario Galaxy, a 3-D, planet surfing game featuring everyone's favorite Italian hero. It looks like it has better graphics and more lively playing than the current Mario offering, Super Paper Mario, which combines features of the original Mario trilogy (bricks, goombas, etc.) with RPG elements. For the most part, it's too slow a game, and the puzzle angle is often quite frustrating. And I must say: Chapter 8-3 is a bitch!