Wednesday, May 6, 2009

American Idol: Rock Idols

YAY Rock Night! Finally a stage for little miss Allison to shine. I didn't give a shout out last week, but happy uber-belated birthday to Allison, who happens to share my birthday (April 27) and is exactly 10 years my junior. Wow, do I feel old now! I know it's a little irrelevant now, but who cares, it's my blog!

So, we all knew Adam would tear up the stage like he does every week. He was a natural on stage with Slash during rehearsal. Why wasn't Slash playing during the actual show? That would have been awesome. So of course Adam did his thing, but I was not feeling his new hair 'do or his diamond earring. Kara told him that he would own the '70s classic rock/'80s glam rock scene today, because no one is doing it. Well, Kara, there's a good reason for that. It's 2009! You know I love Adam, but he definitely has the challenge of making himself relevant.

The judges did not love Allison this week, but I thought it was one of her best performances ever. I thought it was a great song and really enjoyed hearing her sing it. I felt like she owned the stage. Are the judges smoking something, because I thought their comments were way off base. Wrong song choice - no way!

Danny sang "Dream On," which just so happened to get Michael Johns booted last year. (Maybe there's an Idol "Dream On" curse..*fingers crossed*) But to make matters even worse for Allison, Danny got nothing but praise for his horrendous song choice and even worse performance. (By the way, Stephen Tyler would never wear wire-rimmed glasses and a tuxedo vest.) "A Plus for effort?" Come on! When have the judges ever given a contestant props for singing a song completely out of their ability for "going for it"? Ugh!! They must have Danny Kool Aid in their Coca-Cola cups, because nothing else can explain it.

As for Kris, well, I wrote him a brief letter, since this might be his last appearance in my blog.

Dear Kris,
Don't you know I hate 80% of Beatles songs, with "Come Together" being one of the worst offenders? And that last year's Beatles Night was as bland as Simon's wardrobe? Apparently, you and Danny learned nothing from Season 7, but you gave it your all. Too bad he outsang you during your duet. I'll miss you!
TV Tam

What was your take on the performances? Do you think poor Kris will be sent packing tonight?


Unknown said...

I totally agree. the judges do not want to see Allison advance. Go figure... What's with hating 80% of Beatles music?

TVTam said...

I don't know. I like some Beatles songs, mostly the ballads like Golden Slumbers and Yesterday, but I've always found them kind of pretentious.