Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Bachelorette and All Things Sleazy

In this episode of the Bachelorette... Jillian wears really bad outfits! Jillian speaks really poor Spanish! Jillian refuses the fantasy suites! And finally.. Jillian dumps Wes Hayden, the Sleazemeiser himself.

Now, I could talk about all the cutesy-shmootzy romatic things about this episode, but no one really wants to read about that. So I'll jump straight to it...

If you were really desperate for something to do this July 4th holiday, you could have headed to the House of Blues in Dallas to see none other than the Wes Hayden Band perform. Tickets were a whopping $9-$15 dollars, but I'm sure it was still pretty desolate. You know, cause it was a holiday and all. And those tickets prices were ridonkulous!

If you were down in Austin instead, you could go meet the infamous Laurel herself, at her spa, Peach Body. There, she would have continuously denied being Wes' girlfriend, even though he admitted in the cab that he was "the only guy to make it to the final four with a girlfriend." And guess what? This girl gets around, because just a couple years earlier, she dated ex-Bachelor Brad Womack, and is reportedly the reason he dumped both contestants at the end. (She reportedly dated another contestant during Jen Schiff's season too!) Either this girl is obsessed with the Bachelor/ette, or the producers don't vet their bachelors and male contestants very well.

I hope you all enjoyed Wes' little drunken rant in the back of the limo, and his bragging to the other guys that when he got home he would "be having lots of sex," admitting to Jillian that the show was his manager's idea, and that he was "looking out for numero uno."

I sincerely hope the Bachelorette producers look back on the Wes debacle and see the error of their ways, because he did not make for good TV in any way, shape, or form, and we are all beyond thankful he's gone.

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